Debug PHP CLI on Remote Server with Xdebug and PHPStorm

This was a head scratcher when I ran into this yesterday and I thought I would share my solution to the following scenario: I need to debug PHP Command Line script, located on Remote LAMP Virtual WebServer running in Virtual Box with a Shared Folder, using local PHPStorm 5.0. The solution: You first must set … Continue reading Debug PHP CLI on Remote Server with Xdebug and PHPStorm

Compiling Apache 2.4 on Ubuntu 12.04

I've decided that I need to up my game when it comes to webservers. However I'm not yet ready to switch to Nginx or one of the other webservers out in the wild as I need something up and running rapidly. Granted the numbers are definitely against Apache in a lot of benchmarks but historically … Continue reading Compiling Apache 2.4 on Ubuntu 12.04

Compiling PHP 5.4 on Ubuntu 12.04

So recently I've been working with PHP 5.4 a LOT. Unfortunately Ubuntu (my main dev environment) is behind the times. So I'm resorting to compiling PHP manually. Not a daunting as it may first appear. The really tricky part is working out your dependencies and `configure` script. Hence the reason for this post as a … Continue reading Compiling PHP 5.4 on Ubuntu 12.04

Registering custom view helpers in ZF2

If you want to register custom view helpers with a module you can do so by using the service location built into the Skeleton Application and creating a module config that looks something like. return array( 'view_helpers' => array( 'invokables' => array( // generic view helpers 'truncate' => 'Zucchi\View\Helper\Truncate', // form based view helpers 'bootstrapForm' … Continue reading Registering custom view helpers in ZF2