Installing PECL extensions for Zend Server 6

Recently we have revisited using Zend Server for some of our projects and decided to give the new version 6 a chance to prove itself. Overall its a big improvement over version 5. There are still some things that are extremely annoying but we have decided that we can overlook them. However there is one … Continue reading Installing PECL extensions for Zend Server 6

Docblock, Oh Docblock, wherefore art thou Docblock (hint: Zend Optimizer Plus lost them)

tl;dr> I make a terrible assumption about Zend Optimizer+ and am corrected by Dominic in the comments; Terrible post title I know but its the best I could come up with. I've just come up for air after spending the majority of the day debugging some issues on our current development sandbox. Now our sandbox … Continue reading Docblock, Oh Docblock, wherefore art thou Docblock (hint: Zend Optimizer Plus lost them)